Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Making it personal

I read a great a great article in a recent issue of ADVANCE for Nurse regarding nurses and healthcare providers working in areas of clinical practice that they have personal experience with. Often patients and families are discouraged and frustrated as nurses educate them on making healthy lifestyle changes that seem to take something away from them or require strict adherence to medical regimes. The nurses showcased in this article have taken their struggles and victories with various diseases and illnesses to dedicate their professional practice to caring for those with the same issues. It is more than simply practicing what they preach, but relating to patients on a intimate and human level, applying personal experiences to caring practices.

Many of us have stories of illness and struggle. Choosing to use those stories in professional practice is truly inspiring.

Follow this link to the article:

"Being a Good Role Model: Nurses' health histories - good and bad - influence patients." By Sandy Keefe, MSN, RN

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